
I love teaching, first and foremost because I love learning. Teaching is something I’ve done for more than eleven years. Unfortunately, teaching in Argentina has become challenging because the current government is severely cutting funding to science and teaching. Therefore, I decided step aside in order to restore my mental health.

I was Associate Lecturer at FAMAF, UNC before leaving. Among others, I taught the following subjects:

Advanced Concepts of Programming Languages

This is my favorite. I let the students design the course, in a style of a Choose Your Own Adventure book. It starts with a list of subject I feel comfortable teaching, but just as a suggestion: they can add their own topic too. Depending on the constraints and their will, I even let them taught some of the subjects.

Paradigms of Programming (Lab)

Second to my heart is this course in which we let students build three projects in two different languages, with the aim to have a dip in different technologies and paradigms (functional programming, object-oriented programming, concurrent programming).


Quite frankly, I teach this one because someone has to do it. It’s the bullet I take for the team. This said, I managed to massage the curricula enough to have joy teaching it. For instance, in order to teach query primitives, instead of going for the old and not really adequate Relational Algebra, I sneaked in some more functional programming by creating my own list-of-tuples algebra.

Interactive Theorem Proving

I’ve given a couple of short courses on this subject, teaching a bit of Type Theory with exercises in Coq (based on variations of Software Foundations).